On Sat, 2020-10-17 at 11:35 +1100, Stephen Schwetz wrote:
You can definately place the Telstra router behind a mikrotiks. If you are lucky they will have an area if they have more then 2 lines. You can request to have the lines on the router moved to the ata and then you don't have to worry about it anymore
I'm sorry, I understood literally none of that. Why would I put the Telstra router *behind* a Mikrotik? What "area" do you mean? What are "the lines on the router". What is an "ata"? I've decided not to bother with Telstra routers any more. They will be discarded and replaced with devices that behave rationally and predictably. In my work with these Telstra routers I've also found them to be amazingly slow to boot, with absolutely hopeless (and extremely limited) user interfaces. In the particular case at hand, the client has decided not to bother with a VPN at all, and instead move their entire dataset to Dropbox! Not my idea :-) Thank you to all those who helped, I certainly learned a lot. And the upshot basically has been to drive me further into the arms of Mikrotik :-) Regards, K. -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Karl Auer (kauer@nullarbor.com.au) work +61 2 64957435 http://www.nullarbor.com.au mobile +61 428 957160 GPG fingerprint: CF68 0C56 EEE4 CC19 28D4 03B3 BCE0 E800 E31F 7254 Old fingerprint: 887A DA07 4DCC EE76 B413 27D4 C638 4189 6CF0 D556