I have a pallet load of: https://www.dlink.com.au/home-solutions/wireless-ac1600-dual-band-gigabit-ad... D-LINK have just finished a custom profile for our voip offering. It's a "does all" solution with a GBE wan port and VDSL port. http://about.me/terry.sweetser ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *From:* Denis Hancock <mailto:denis.hancock@samurai.com.au> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 15, 2017 12:58PM *To:* 'Mikrotik Australia Public List' <mailto:public@talk.mikrotik.com.au> *Subject:* [MT-AU Public] NBN VDSL
Hi All
We're starting to see some NBN rollout to our customers. Preference is to have the Mikrotik do all the work, any recommendations for VDSL modems ?
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