So, I’ve had a 750G since the MUM in Brisbane and it’s been great, never had a chance to set any IPV6 up on it until after I got Internode about 12 months ago. It all works pretty well, except for one niggle. Going into the DNS screen on the web interface just locks it up hard (Chrome, IE, Safari all tested), and I tend to have to kill the process for the tab and restart my session. I hadn’t checked using SSH before because DNS seemed to work OK and there weren’t any other issues, but I did tonight and what I found was … curious. I have statically set a pair of servers, my internal and GoogDNS as the external… but it seems to have picked up a few IPV6 ones dynamically? Anyone know how to stop this? I guess it’s the use-peer-dns setting on the dhcp-client that’s buggy in some way? [user@router] /ip dns> print servers:, dynamic-servers:,, 2001:44b8:1::1,2001:44b8:2::2,,, 2001:44b8:1::1,2001:44b8:2::2,,, 2001:44b8:1::1,2001:44b8:2::2, (repeat this 158 times: 2001:44b8:1::1,2001:44b8:2::2, ) allow-remote-requests: no max-udp-packet-size: 4096 query-server-timeout: 2s query-total-timeout: 10s cache-size: 2048KiB cache-max-ttl: 1w cache-used: 79KiB Yeah, I really did count the 158 repetitions, just because. After realising the weird config I tried manually setting the IPV6 resolvers, then disabling use-peer-dns under the /ipv6 dhcp-client, then disabled/re-enabled the client and it showed a much shorter list of dynamic servers… still repeated the previous ones as above a couple of ti (without the epic repeats). Did it on the /ip dhcp-client and all the dynamics are gone as one would expect. Is this happening because of a known problem when I enabled use-peer-dns on both the IPV6 and IPV4 dhcp-clients, or is it a bug? James