While I like the idea of point and click and a solution ready made I do much prefer the scripting. I have this same setup with a client's multi-site setup where both sites have 4G backup and failover of the VPN. Essentially the script uses netwatch and very frequently checks the other end of the connection and then makes adjustments to routes/interfaces as needed on up/down. Users connected to a terminal server might see the reconnect message for maybe a couple seconds when it fails over, if at all (rare that they see it because it's quite quick). At other sites which are just your standard 4G failover, it's a dongle/Teltonika next to the tik and a netwatch script for adjusting route and clearing NAT table. Additionally I use a dummy eoip interface that is enabled/disabled on primary link up/down so that SNMP monitoring via Nagios can throw an alert quickly to show a site is operating on failover. Matt