Hi guys, thought I would post this information to see if anybody had experienced the same issue. We have an RB1100AHx2 in a data centre that connects to a CCR in another data centre, unfortunately we can't do QINQ between the DC's so we run an EOIP tunnel to connect two vlans for a customer through to there, all has been working fine for about 2 years. The other day, just out of the blue, the customer said their link had gone down, after a number of hours troubleshooting, convinced that it was a problem on site, we discovered that the EOIP tunnel just stopped passing traffic. Nothing had changed on those two routers for months but all of a sudden they just stopped working. The CCR has some other EOIP tunnels on it which were still working fine, but the 1100 was refusing to work. We checked firewall rules, vlan ID's, tunnel ID's, everything, and there were no issues, the tunnel just refused to pass data. I tried changing the tunnel ID and it made no difference, tried re-adding the vlans to it, nothing, disabled and enabled it, nothing made a difference. Out of desperation we created a new EOIP tunnel on that router with a new ID and pointed it to the existing EOIP interface at the other end and it came up straight away. So apart from a big WTF, has anybody experienced this before ? Regards Paul